-- @param IsInStore boolean Will allow to create and delete outfits
--@param IsInStore if is true then can't return to the main menu but
-- if is false then can return to the main menu
To set ped appearance
-- @param ped number The entity player.
-- @param data string The appearance data to apply to the player character.
exports['dx_clothing']:setPedAppearance(ped, data)
To set player model
-- @param skin string
local skin = 'mp_m_freemode_01'
To load skin model by JSON
-- @param skin string The appearance data to apply to the current player character.
TriggerEvent('dx_clothing:loadSkin', skin) --skin alway needs to be string objet
To set ped appearance
-- @param ped number The entity player.
-- @param data string The appearance data to apply to the player character.
TriggerEvent('dx_clothing:setPedAppearance', ped, data)